Calathea Garden: A Fairy House in the Garden of Kampoeng Heritage Kayutangan

Imam Abu Hanifah


calathea garden fairy house in the garden
A view of Calathea Garden, a vintage spot to hangout like fairy house in the garden (photo/rizalkautsar)

MALANG, – You’ll find plenty of charming vintage houses for hanging out in Kampoeng Heritage Kayutangan, however, Calathea Garden gives you a fairy house vibe with many greenery plants in the garden that was established in December 2022.

Customers have called this place the “fairy house” because of its resemblance to fairy houses in fairy tales. Some also refer to this house as the “grandma’s garden house.” This is due to the atmosphere that visitors get, as if they are in grandma’s garden.

This fairy house in the garden is located at 129 Arif Rahman Hakim Street, Kauman, Klojen District, Malang. The name of this vintage house is inspired from the Calathea plant, pronounced “kalatea” in Indonesian. You can take a cup of coffee in this verdant spot from 9 am to 9 pm on weekdays or from 8 am to 10 pm on weekends.

Aprilyanto, the owner of Calathea Garden, suggests visiting at the right times for capturing photos. It’s best to come in the morning, between 8-11 am, or during the golden hour in the late afternoon, around 3-4 pm.

“Based on the customer’s standpoint, mornings are ideal time, from opening at 8 am until around 11 am, or during the golden hour in the late afternoon, around 3-4 pm. It’s perfect for snapping Instagram Story photos while hanging out here,” Aprilyanto explained.

Besides being surrounded with lush greenery, a stunning Bougainvillea in this vintage house is the perfect spot for taking photos. As an eye-catching vines, this looks incredibly beautiful when it blossoms during its season.

calathea garden
A foreign customer sits near Bougainvillea vines, while enjoying the vibe of a fairy house in the garden (photo/calatheagarden)

Foreign customers visiting Calathea Garden greatly enjoy local snacks such as Tahu Walik (Indonesian crispy tofu) and Cireng (Indonesian fried starch). The Calathea Garden menu ranges from about Rp. 8.000 to Rp 22.000.

“Since 2022, we’ve had a lot of foreign tourists coming here, mostly from Germany. Many of them like to try local dishes, such as snacks like Cireng and Tahu Walik,” Aprilyanto shared.

Several snacks offerings from Calathea Garden are homemade, such as Tahu Walik and Cheese Roll. Calathea Garden wants to preserve the authenticity and consistency of the flavors of these snacks.

Sitting in the indoor space while reading a book or doing your work will be nice for you who are looking for a more intimate nuance. Calathea Garden provides indoor seating that offers a cozy, homey vibe in the central area, resembling a living room when viewed from the outside.

fairy house in the garden in kayutangan
The indoor area of Calathea Garden, with books available for customers to read, enhances the homey vibe of this fairy house. (photo/rizalkautsar).

Hanging out in this fairy house in the garden can be a unique experience worth trying.  Relaxing your moment with your loved ones beside the Bougainvillea vines or reading a book in the indoor central area are great options when visiting this place. It is a perfect spot for those who enjoy hunting for aesthetic photos in the Kampoeng Heritage Kayutangan area.

See more news and articles at Google News

Writer: Rizal Kautsar 

Editor: Imam Abu Hanifah

Editor: Nafisya Alfiani A.,S.Pd.,M.Pd.

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