Tugujatim.id – Malang, an island of unparalleled natural panoramic beauty, holds unforgettable charms. One of the popular destinations that must be visited is Goa Cina Beach, an exotic beach with extraordinary charm. Located in Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, this place offers an amazing experience for tourists.
Goa Cina Beach is one of the natural wonders in Malang that amazes every visitor. With its captivating charm, this beach offers unique beauty in the form of enchanting natural caves formed from coral rocks. The existence of these caves is the main attraction, giving a different sensation when exploring every corner. In addition, the existence of these natural caves along the coast is not just a natural wonder but has a hidden story that enriches the cultural and historical value behind it.
Exploring Goa Cina Beach, an Exotic Beach With a Hidden Story
Goa Cina Beach is one of the beaches in South Malang that is popular until now, not only present pleasant vacation scenery and experience, Goa Cina Beach turns out to have many things to know, such as hidden history, fun activities, stunning charm and much more. This article will fully discuss these things. Let’s find out to the end!!!
The Origin of The Name “GOA CINA”
The name “Goa Cina” comes from a unique and interesting story. In the 1930s, Hing Hook, a Chinese from Surabaya, was stranded on a hidden beach south of Malang. A life of constant poverty made his heart full of anxiety.

Therefore, he chose to meditate in a cave located on one of the small islands in the vicinity. No one accompanied him in his solitude. Perhaps he wanted to report his plight to the Almighty God. Unfortunately, fate called him before he could achieve what he sought.
In the cave, he died of loneliness. A few days later, the people around him found his remains and buried him elsewhere. Since then, the beach has been known as Goa Cina Beach.
The Amazing Attraction of Goa Cina Beach

1. The Cave Inside The Coral Hill
Goa Cina Beach offers an extraordinary natural attraction, namely natural caves formed from coral rocks which are the main attraction, with unique and stunning formations created by natural processes over thousands of years.
The cave is located on top of a coral hill about 50 meters from the beach gate. The distinctive feature of this cave is the entrance gate which has a red color with a terraced roof and a path that leads directly to the coral hill where the cave is located.
The cave is 8-meter deep and 2-meter high. But still be careful when walking through this cave because the floor will be slippery when it rains and for you women who are menstruating are not recommended to enter this cave because this cave is a sacred cave.
2. A Vast Expanse of White Sand
The white sandy beaches that stretch along the coastline are also a special attraction. You can bask in the warm sun or enjoy the calm atmosphere on the beautiful beach. Don’t forget to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the scorching sun.
3. Small Islands Surrounding The Beach
Besides the vast expanse of white sand, this beach also has a view in the form of small islands surrounding Goa Cina Beach. These small islands are Bantengan Island, Chinese Cave Island, and Nyonya Island. The presence of these small islands makes waves that intersect from three directions, namely south, east, and west.
The waves from the three directions collide between Bantengan Island and Nyonya Island, because of the colliding waves, the sound of rumbling waves provides an amazing background, creating a perfect harmony between the sea, the beach and the mountains.
Activities And Things To Do

With its charming natural uniqueness, this place not only presents a charming attraction but also provides interesting activities that visitors can do, including looking for shells, camping, seeing coral reefs, and seeing sunset and sunrise. You can bring a camera to capture the moment and photograph the beauty of the surrounding nature.
Available Facilities in Goa Cina Beach Malang
Goa Cina Beach is equipped with various adequate facilities for the convenience of visitors. There, you can find stalls that provide food and drinks, parking areas, toilets, and lodging, prayer rooms and gazebos.
Entrance Fee and Operating Hours
The entrance ticket to Goa Cina Beach is quite cheap. You have to pay an entrance ticket of IDR15,000. IDR5,000 for motorcycle parking and IDR10,000 for car parking. For those of you who want to visit the cave you have to add a fee by paying IDR5,000.
Goa Cina Beach operates for 24 hours. However, it is better for you to come in the morning or afternoon to avoid the scorching sun.
Location and Route to Goa Cina Beach
Goa Cina Beach is located in Tumpak Awu Hamlet, Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District. You have to travel for about 2 hours with a distance of about 76km.
To reach Goa Cina Beach, you can take a route from the center of Malang City. From the city center of Malang, you will be directed south to the Gadang area. After arriving in Gadang, continue the journey towards Bululawang, Turen and finally will arrive in Sumbermanjing Wetan.
Visitors Review
This is a beautiful beach, clean, and the waves are strong, so no swimming is advised.
There are many drink stalls nearby – fresh coconut is best – and there’s a cave visitors can enter after paying 5,000 Rp. The gate to the steps up to the hill top house was closed. The views from up there would have been fantastic. Bornean – visitorGoa Cina has a beautiful ocean waves ever! We can take pictures there but we can’t swim there. I arrived at goa Cina beach in the early morning. When the sunshine rise, i got my wave chilling at the side of the beach. Amanda – visitor
With its challenging activities, stunning natural attractions, and uniqueness, Goa Cina Beach is a must-visit destination for nature and adventure lovers. Prepare to enjoy an unforgettable experience in this place and bring back beautiful memories of the amazing Island of the Gods.
Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the wonders of nature at Goa Cina Beach. With its mesmerizing natural charm, this place provides an unforgettable adventure and brings back beautiful memories. Prepare your camera and enjoy the beauty offered by Goa Cina Beach in Malang!
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Writer: Ludea Sindy Faroka
Editor: Imam Abu Hanifah
Editor: Nugrahaningtyas Fatma Anyassari, S.Pd., M.Pd.